Child Psychology2024-06-19T02:56:05+00:00

childrens health edmonton Child Psychology It's not easy being a kid. We specialize in helping children and adolescents. Book An Appointment
Child Psychologist using play therapy

Does a Child Psychologist Help?

Most adults understand that our reality comes from our own perceptions of interactions with the world around us. We know situations are temporary and things can- and inevitably will- change. As adults, we are very much in control of most of these events and we have learned to navigate through difficult situations. We can make choices to stay or leave, speak or remain silent, or simply choose to remove ourselves from situations that make us unhappy.

Children, on the other hand, are at the mercy of the world around them. In spite of what many adults recall, being a child is a difficult, albeit amazing, time of life. Emotions (even good ones) tend to be felt strongly and children don’t yet have the psychological tools to express themselves fully or ask the right questions when needed. Emotional regulation is still developing and this can lead to feelings of extreme highs and lows. There are times when, even as an adult, the world seems confusing. That confusion only multiplies when there is little or no understanding of why, what, and how surrounding an event. Adults need to understand that self-expression and discussion are fundamental needs of all humans, regardless of age. Child Psychology can absolutely help with this. The job of a child therapist, or child psychologist is to assess and address the needs of a child. These needs may be physical, social-emotional, or cognitive in nature and all are equally important.

Some of the Struggles We Can Help Your Child  or Teen With:

Anxiety and Excessive Worrying

Depressive Symptoms

Family Challenges

Peer Conflict & Bullying

Social Skills

Self-Esteem & Body Image

Emotional Regulation & Emotional Literacy Building

Grief & Loss

Substance Abuse

Suicidal Ideation or Self Harm


Infant and parent attachment-based/bonding

Interventions for Specific Diagnoses (ADHD, Autism, OCD, ODD)

Life Coaching


First Nations, Metis, & Inuit Ally

Disruptive Behaviour

Frequent Nightmares


Sexual Abuse

Health Struggles


Anger Struggles

Stress and Worry

Disordered Eating

Child Psychologists


We are here to help you grow your health!

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Therapy Modalities for Children

Psychologists use play therapy to help children in their therapy

Play Therapy

With children, thoughts and emotions can surface during play. Using evidence based play therapy can help your child figure out feelings and express them

CBT for children

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

With CBT, kids are shown how to identify negative or distorted thoughts and address them. This type of therapy is good for addressing mood disorders like anxiety and depression.

EMDR Therapy


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of therapy that is effective for resolving emotional struggles caused by difficult, upsetting or scary life experiences. It is effective in helping children overcome traumatic events and other childhood challenges.

Therapist coaching parents

Parenting Support Counselling

(Circle of Security)

The Circle of Security is type of therapy that provides a visual map of attachment. It is used as part of interventions for caregivers, all of which are focused on helping caregivers reflect upon children’s attachment needs in order to promote secure attachment with a child.

Additional Therapy Modalities Pine Cone Health Offers

Narrative Therapy

Expressive Arts Therapy

Trauma-Informed Therapy

Attachment Therapy (Includes Theraplay)

Exposure and Response Prevention for OCD

Solution Focussed

Client Centred

Strength-Based / Positive Psychology

Psychology Based Educational Assessments



Learn More about Childhood Anxiety

Who Needs a Child Psychologist?

The most upfront and basic answer to who needs a kids or teen counselor is, everyone. All children can benefit from speaking with a child psychologist Edmonton, just as all adults can benefit from counseling sessions. Some children seeking a counselor are typical, with no major medical history or diagnosis, while others may have diagnoses of disability or illness. Life can be difficult and the constant changes in our world may induce anxiety and fear. Due to their developing emotional regulation, children might not be able to effectively cope with the big feelings associated with anxiety and fear.

Abraham Maslow, a well-known psychologist, broke it down into a simple Hierarchy of Needs. If basic needs such as physiological, safety, love, and esteem are not met, a child can not progress through the hierarchy. Although we try our best as adults to shield children from pain and disappointment, it is inevitable they will experience those feelings at some point in time. Whether from divorce, tragedy, fear, displacement, or a wide variety of other events, children often need a psychologist, or therapist they can trust. At Pine Cone Health, we work to become a trusted light to help guide the child out of whatever they have experienced, and provide them with tools they can use to feel more in control and confident.

Want to Know More? Check Out Our FAQs for Child Psychology
What are Psychoeducational Assessments?

  • Psychoeducational assessments- an in-depth look into an individual’s learning ability and how they process information. This can help to identify areas of strength and need, the root of the struggles, how a child learns best, a diagnosis (if applicable), and resources and strategies tailored to the needs of the child to assist at home, school, and in the community.
  • We can assess for: learning disorders, intellectual disorders/deficits, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and trauma-related effects in children.Most psychoeducational assessments will include a cognitive/intellectual assessment “IQ test” (ex. WISC/WAIS), academic assessment (ex. WIAT) and a social-emotional/behavioural assessment (self-report measures, peer-report measures, observations) as well as a clinical interview, and sometimes gathering information from school files and/or teachers.Psychoeducational assessments generally take between 8-12 hours and are billed hourly

What is a child psychologist?

  • A child psychologist is trained in, and has studied child development and utilizes treatment interventions that are suitable and beneficial for a child’s age and level of development. A child psychologist can help children to manage anxiety, worries, peer conflict/friendship difficulties, navigate through challenging family dynamics such as separation/divorce/blended families/death, or support developmental disabilities or other medical or psychological conditions.

What is play therapy?

  • Play therapy allows not only for young children, but people of many ages to express their experiences and feelings through a natural and self-guided process. Often, it is difficult to find the words we are looking for to express the things we need, the things we feel, or the things we have been through. Particularly in children, play offers a way to build positive relationships and communication skills, address psychosocial challenges, regulate emotions, and resolve traumas. The effects of trauma tend to reside in the nonverbal areas of the brain, therefore play therapy allows for processing on a subconscious level and gives opportunity for memories and feelings to shift to the verbal areas of the brain.
  • Play therapy can be directive or non-directive and incorporates a variety of modalities such as movement, role-playing, puppets, dollhouse, sandtray, storytelling, drawing, painting, listening to/writing/singing/playing music, poetry, books, costumes, and many other mediums. The treatment process is determined by the client’s goals and can incorporate the important people in the client’s life.
  • In adults, play-based therapy or expressive therapies can be used to address issues surrounding loss and grief, emotional development and attachment, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and a variety of other concerns.
  • Play therapy can also be used in conjunction with other types of therapies.

How do I know if my teenager needs therapy?

  • My teenager might need therapy if: they ask to go to therapy, a teacher or school counsellor suggests that they may benefit from therapy, or if I feel at a loss in how to support my teenager with a struggle they are having. In addition to the many benefits of therapy, we find that children and teens that go to therapy tend to be more likely to reach out for help when they are adults if challenges come up.

How do teenagers engage in therapy?

  • Teenagers engage in therapy in different ways. Some engage verbally right from the beginning. Others take more time to become comfortable engaging with their psychologist. Others may benefit from/prefer more non-verbal methods of therapy such as play or art-based therapies, or trauma therapies.

What type of paperwork do you need for my child or teen to go to therapy?

  • Once you book your appointment online or by phone, our admin team will get in touch to get gather the information we need prior to the first appointment such as consent from parents/legal guardians.

Social – Emotional Skill Milestones for Children from Birth to Age 5:

* Credit to AQS for the chart information

Let’s you know they are happy by cooing, smiling, laughing & gurgling
Likes to play with their fingers, hands, feet and toes
Looks at your face and may look in their eyes, but only for a few seconds at first

Responds to your affection and may show you signs of affection
Will sometimes stop crying when you talk to them, rather than pick them up
Sometimes sucks on their fingers or hands to calm themselves down

Shows many emotions such as happiness, anger, sadness & discomfort
Responds differently to strangers than they do to family members and friends they see a lot
Imitates other children and adults. They may imitate sounds, actions and facial expressions
Drinks from a cup which is being held
Plays alone (Solitary Play) and starts to feed using fingers

Likes to help with simple household tasks
Is generally happy and smiles at other people, including other children
Recognizes themselves in pictures or mirrors
Uses a spoon to eat and becomes more adventurous


Likes to imitate you, other adult and their friends
Likes to use the words mine, no and me do it
Enjoys simple pretend play. They may like pretending to cook or talk on the telephone
Undresses some items of clothing alone. Some children know when they need the toilet

Enjoys hearing songs and stories— sometimes over and over again
Can sometimes use words to express their feelings
Greets familiar adults and is happy to see friends
Feeds and dresses alone and will play alongside other children (Parallel Play). Potty training starts (often earlier in girls)

Is still learning to follow simple rules, although he sometimes needs gentle reminders
Can sometimes use words to express their feelings
Is still learning to follow simple rules, although he sometimes needs gentle reminders
Uses a toilet and stays dry at night. Understands gender and age and becomming more independant

Now understands short and simple rules at home
Loves silly jokes and has a sense of humor
Is beginning to share. He takes turns but is possessive of favorite toys
Dresses and undresses alone. Washes and dries hands and face. Cleans teeth. Plays with others (co-operative play)

May play with small groups of children at the park or at school
Now plays simple games such as Candy Land and Go Fish
Is beginning to understand the meaning of right and wrong. They does not always do what is right, though
Takes turns, learns to tie shoe laces. Understands rules and fair play

If your child is not meeting several milestones or is demonstrating any of the warning signs, they may benefit from child psychology.


Meet Our Edmonton Pediatric Psychology Team

Emma Raddis - Registered Provisional Psychologist

Emma Raddis

Registered Provisional Psychologist

Children & Teens (Ages 12 and up)

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Communication and relationship issues
  • Depression
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Self-harm
  • Emotion regulation
  • Self-esteem
  • Interpersonal concerns 


  • Master of Counselling, City University of Seattle
  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with Sociology Minor, University of Alberta


I understand that starting or returning to therapy can be a nerve-wracking and sometimes uncomfortable experience. While therapy can sometimes be uncomfortable, it can also be enlightening, healing, restorative and even fun! I do my best to create a safe, supportive space for my clients. I am passionate about showing up with a non-judgmental, compassionate, and empathetic approach.


I work collaboratively with my clients to help them work towards whatever goals they may have. Being able to support someone in their therapy journey is a massive privilege for me, and one that I value deeply.


Treatment Modalities:

I have a passion for providing person-centered, evidence-based therapy to adults, adolescents, and couples. I believe therapy needs to be individualized and resonate with the client for it to be effective. As such, I have an eclectic approach, but I do draw mainly from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) and Gottman Method for couples. I also work from a trauma-informed, strength-based, and anti-oppressive lens. I consider myself a life-long learner, and I am motivated to continue adding to my knowledge about various modalities to support my clients!


Fun facts about Emma:

When I am not working, I like to spend my time travelling, playing sports, and getting mad at reality TV!

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Alyssa Scammell - Registered Social Worker

Alyssa Scammell

Registered Social Worker

Children & Teens (10 and up)

  • Navigating Diagnosis (ADHD, ASD)

  • Emotional Regulation & Coping Skills
  • Behavioural Challenges
  • Anxiety, Perfectionism, Stress, & Worries
  • Confidence & Self Esteem
  • Healthy Relationships & Communication Skills
  • School Issues
  • Mood, Motivation, Depression, Self-Harm, & Suicidal Ideation

Education Credentials:

  • Master of Social Work (University of Calgary)
  • Bachelor of Social Work (University of Calgary)
  • Social Work Diploma (MacEwan University)


Specialized Training:

  • Certified Perinatal Mental Health Professional (PMH-C) (Postpartum Support International)
  • Perinatal Mood Disorders Components of Care (Postpartum Support International)
  • Advanced Perinatal Mental Health Psychotherapy (Postpartum Support International)
  • Perinatal Grief and Loss Training (Canadian Perinatal Mental Health)
  • Restricted Psychosocial Intervention Authorization (ACSW)
  • DSM-5-TR in Healthcare Practice
  • Emotional Focused Therapy – Foundations
  • Exposure and Ritual Prevention Therapy
  • Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR Institute)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Grief and Loss Foundational
  • Motivational Interviewing Foundations
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – Foundations
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy – Foundations
  • Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Training
  • Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
  • Conflict Resolution Training
  • Brain and Body-Based Interventions in Trauma Treatment
  • Trauma-Informed Care – Building a Culture of Strength
  • Trauma-Informed Practice Training Level 1
  • Graduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (University of Calgary)



I view my work with youth through an attachment lens, making relationship the most important therapeutic aspect. I believe family integration is important to healing work, and I value collaboration with the youth’s most important people. With that being said, sometimes adolescent years can be difficult to navigate, not only for the adults, but especially for the youth. My role is to support in building additional coping skills, strengthening self-esteem/confidence, and providing a safe and non-judgemental space for youth to be who they are.

I remain committed to my work in allyship/co-conspiratorship with our Indigenous, queer / questioning, disabled, and body positive communities.



I use an integrative approach to therapy, meaning I draw from several evidence-based modalities depending on the presenting need. I have training in Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Exposure and Ritual Prevention Therapy (ExPR), Dialectic Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). I also have experience with Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Internal Family Systems (IFS), and Narrative Therapy.


Fun Fact About Alyssa:

I am a mom to three humans and one golden doodle. When I am not working or involved in some sort of learning opportunity, teaching, or driving one of my kids to sports – you can typically find me in my kitchen baking and belting out songs from multiple genres (sorry to my neighbours!). I also love a good podcast, audiobook, or Netflix series. Oh, and I love a good joke; I believe humour is one of the most important ingredients to my sustainability as a human being!

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Katie Lysak_Pine Health

Katie Lysak

Registered Social Worker

Children & Teens (8 and up)

  • Anxiety, Perfectionism, Stress, & Worries;

  • Confidence & Self Esteem;
  • Emotional Regulation & Coping Skills;
  • Behavioural Challenges;
  • Healthy Relationships & Communication Skills;
  • School Issues;
  • Mood, Motivation, Depression, Self-Harm, & Suicidal Ideation;

Education Credentials: 

  • Master of Clinical Social Work (University of Calgary); 
  • Bachelor of Social Work (University of Calgary); 
  • Pursuing Registered Clinical Social Worker (RCSW) designation; 
  • Circle of Security Parenting (COS); 
  • Perinatal Mood Disorders Components of Care (Postpartum Support International); 
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy);  
  • ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy);  
  • Emotion Focused Family Therapy (EFFT); 
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) 



I have worked in diverse settings over my 10 years as a Social Worker, but my focus and passion has always been on lifelong holistic family wellness. I believe that in order to heal, process, or explore oneself, a safe, compassionate, empowering, and authentic environment must be created. I strive to do this by bringing my whole perfectly imperfect self into session and want you to come as you are. This way we can work together to create a partnership where what you want, need, and believe is valued foremost. Through this partnership we work together to embrace the wholeness and fullness of who you are.  


Among others, I use the theories and values listed here to inform my practice, but I aim to continually learn and bring any additional knowledge to the table in our partnership.  

  • Attachment-Based; 
  • Emotion-Focused; 
  • Intersectional Feminism; 
  • Anti-oppressive Practice; 
  • Person-Centered; 
  • Anti-Racist; 
  • Trauma-Informed; 
  • Strengths-Based Practice 



Fun fact about Katie:  


I am a mom to two deeply feeling kiddos and enjoy experiencing life through their eyes. I have a deep love of animals; my first baby was a dog, who is still part of my family. I enjoy gardening, crochet, cross-stitch, and generally anything an old soul would delight in.  


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Christy Wells

Registered Provisional Psychologist

Teenagers / Adolescents (11-18)

  • Anxiety
  • Burnout
  • Communication Skills
  • Coping Skills
  • Depression/Mood
  • Emotion Management
  • Peer Relationships
  • Emotion Management
  • Family Conflict


I believe every person has a unique story, and no two people will experience things the same way. I use a client-centred approach where respect, empathy, and non-judgement are the foundation of my style, and you are the expert in your life. Therapy should be a collaboration, and the relationship we form is the heart of where true change occurs.Together, as we develop a partnership, we will work towards taking the next step forward and making the positive changes needed to enhance your life.

Fun Facts:

I’ve been a newborn and family photographer for 14 years, telling people’s story through my lens. I’m a former synchronised swimmer and lived in the pool! Now, you can find me doing a variety of fitness classes from barre to spin and my personal favourite rebounding! I love summer and coffee.

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Michelle Johnson_Psychology Intern_Sherwood Park

Michelle Johnson

Mental Health Therapist

Children & Teens ages 11+

  • Anxiety, Worry & Stress

  • Depression & Mood
  • Perfectionism
  • Parent, Family and Peer relationships
  • Emotion management

My hope is to create an inclusive and non-judgmental space where clients feel heard, valued and seen as they explore their inner worlds. I practice from the belief that my clients are the experts of their own lives and am honoured to walk alongside them on their journey of self-discovery. I wholeheartedly believe that connection, compassion, and empathy are at the foundation of growth and change and acknowledge that by meeting my clients where they are at, we can work collaboratively to create individually tailored therapeutic goals that prioritize their personal strengths, skills, values and perspectives. 

Modalities include: 

  • Person-centered 
  • Trauma-informed 
  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy 
  • Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) 
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) 

Fun Fact:
My favourite place to be in my free time is out in nature with my dog, family or friends and love to get out to the mountains as much as possible (preferably snowboarding). I started skiing as soon as I could walk and then, around age 10, begged to try snowboarding and have never looked back! 

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Nicole Antunes Registered Provisional Psychologist

Nicole Antunes

Registered Provisional Psychologist

Children & Teens ages 6+

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Stress and burnout
  • School concerns
  • Self-esteem, self-worth, and perfectionism
  • Relationship Issues


  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology, Minor in Sociology (MacEwan University – 2016)
  • Master of Education in Counselling Psychology (University of Alberta – 2023)


  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT)
  • Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT)
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
  • Mindfulness-based Approaches
  • Attachment Theory
  • Elements of Play Therapy


  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Theory and Practice – 4-Day Intensive (Cognitive Behavioural Institute)
  • Foundations of Play Therapy – 9 Day Program – Rocky Mountain Play Therapy Institute


I believe that therapy is less about the modalities or therapy approaches used, and more about building a strong therapeutic relationship with each individual. In learning about you, your life, experiences, and your goals, we can decide on a course of treatment together. I hope to collaborate with and help guide clients through their own unique therapy process, while viewing each client as the expert in their own lives. I tend to draw mainly from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). I am also influenced by Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT), Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) and elements of attachment and mindfulness therapies. I aim to create a safe and comfortable space for individuals of all walks of life. I hope to bring about insight and self-awareness, capitalize on client strengths, and work together to help each individual meet their therapeutic goals.

Fun Fact

I enjoy spending time with friends and family, going camping, and watching new true crime documentaries!

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Vanessa Colombina_Registered Provisional Psychologist
Vanessa Colombina
psi-logoRegistered Psychologist

Teens (12-17)

  • Pregnancy and postpartum concerns: depression, anxiety, OCD, birth trauma, transition to motherhood

  • Trauma (birth trauma, family of origin/generational, interpersonal, single incident etc.)
  • Mental health concerns impacted by hormones (perinatal, perimenopausal, menopausal, PMDD, PCOS)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) + Body Focused Repetitive Behaviours (skin picking, hair pulling)
  • Teachers and Educational Staff
  • Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Phobias
  • Burnout
  • Sleep & Insomnia
  • Relationship Issues
  • Sex & Intimacy Struggles
  • Parenting Support / Struggles
  • Grief & Loss (Incl. Infertility & Pregnancy Loss)
  • LGBTQ2S+ Ally

I view clients as the expert in their own lives. Each person has many strengths that can be nurtured to support their wellbeing. It is my role as a therapist to help clients to rediscover their strengths, while building new skills that address distressing events and to fully enjoy the pleasant times.

Treatment Philosophy

My therapeutic practice is shaped by my belief that clients need to feel safe and part of the process. The process will evolve as we get to know each other and as the clients’ needs/goals evolve. I work from a trauma and attachment informed lens. I have a casual and warm but direct style and enjoy incorporating humour in the process.

Specialized Training

  • Perinatal Mental Health-Certified (PMH-C)
  • EMDR (EMDRIA Certified)
  • Exposure Response Prevention (ERP; certified through Cognitive Behavioural Institute)
  • OCD modalities: ERP, iCBT (Inference CBT), Mindfulness for OCD, EMDR
  • Emotional Focused Therapy (couples)

Other Therapeutic Modalities/Interventions

  • Sand tray
  • Expressive Arts
  • Mindfulness
  • Narrative
  • Feminist

Fun Fact

I love driving with the windows down and singing along to the radio very loudly.

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Karelia Gamache

Canadian Certified Counsellor

Children and Youth (ages 3+)

  • Parent sessions (parenting strategies, co-parenting)
  • Children/Youth (ADHD/behavioral issues, learning/academic struggles, anxiety/depression, trauma/PTSD, bullying, friendship struggles, emotional regulation, family conflict, grief and loss)
  • Relationship Struggles
  • Domestic Violence
  • ADHD
  • Trauma/PTSD
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Pregnancy Support
  • Pre/Post Natal Support
  • Post Partum Depression
  • Pregnancy/Infant Loss
  • Grief


I am grateful to have landed in a line of work where I have the privilege of hearing others’ insight and wisdom about life, as well as stories of hardship, triumph and survival. I am always amazed by clients’ courage to be vulnerable in the face of adversity; as well as their perseverance in taking steps towards well-being for both themselves and others. Change is definitely not easy; but fortunately, we don’t have to do it alone! In my work, I empower people to tap into their innate wisdom, knowledge, skills, and experience to bring about meaningful and lasting change in their lives; offering my own experience, knowledge, tools, and wisdom, when helpful.


I support people in tuning into their body’s messages, which can help bridge the gap between mind and body, fostering healing and well-being. I use a variety of approaches in my work (e.g. art, movement, play – yes, play is important for adults too!) as I believe that talk therapy is not for everyone.


In working with families, I believe that every family has conflict; however when conflict is frequent, and heightened, it can be helpful to seek support. Together, we focus on identifying the patterns that lead to conflict in the family unit and find ways to interrupt these patterns and strengthen patterns that promote well-being.



  • Bachelor of Psychology Degree (Hnrs.) (University of Winnipeg)
  • Master of Counselling Degree (University of Calgary)
  • Aurora Family Therapy Program Year 1 & 2 (University of Winnipeg)

Further Training

  • Family Systems Theory (counselling practicum completed at the Family Therapy
  • Centre in Calgary, under the direction of Dr. Karl Tomm)
  • Narrative Therapy (training through Narrative Therapy Centre, Vancouver, BC)
  • Play Therapy Training (Green Stream, Rocky Mountain Play Therapy Institute, Calgary, AB)
  • Expressive Art Therapy (Cathy Malchiodi)
  • Expressive Play Therapy (Level 1 and 2) (Centre for Expressive Therapy, Marie Jose Dhaese, Parksville, BC)
  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Trauma Themes–Module 1A, 1B, 2A (Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute)

Therapy Modalities Used:

  • Family Systems
  • Narrative Therapy
  • Solution-Focused Therapy
  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (including the body in healing)
  • Expressive Therapy Approaches (e.g. play, sandtray, art)
  • Therapeutic Play
  • Response-Based Practice

Fun Fact:

I have always been drawn to expressive arts (using art, singing, dance, movement, writing as means of expression).

I also love being outside in nature (as long as it’s not too cold!!)

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Meagan Chan Registered Provisional Psychologist

Meagan Chan

Registered Provisional Psychologist

Teens (Ages 12+)

  • Traumatic Events Across the Lifespan & PTSD (including complex trauma and dissociation)

  • Identity Issues (including finding purpose/meaning in life, developing self-compassion)

  • Grief & Loss (including life transitions and disenfranchised grief, i.e., grief that doesn’t fit into society’s norms)

  • Attachment Wounds/Injuries & Relationship Issues (including healthy and domestic violence, communication skills, boundary setting, assertiveness training)

  • BIPoC & Minority Issues (including clash of cultures, children of immigrant parents)


  • Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology (Yorkville University)
  • Bachelor of Science Specialization in Psychology (University of Alberta)


Starting a journey of healing and growth can be daunting but you don’t have to do this alone. It takes strength to reach out for help and courage to be vulnerable to share your story and pain with someone else. This is why I strive to establish a trusting relationship by providing a safe environment for you to feel less isolated and for you to freely express your true self without the fear of judgment. I see therapy as a partnership between you and I, where I’m never above you but instead walk beside you as you search for greater clarity and meaning. Although it’s completely normal to feel stuck and confused with not knowing how to manage or make sense of your emotional pain, I see you as the expert of your life and believe that you have the ability to reconnect to your strengths to make changes. No matter where you are in life, there is always an opportunity for you to change, heal, and grow. Let me help you discover what’s causing you pain so you can find a way to heal and find purpose in your life.


I have 10 years of experience working in the mental health field by helping individuals work through their emotional distress created by various issues like suicide, relationship problems, violence, and grief. I have supported individuals of diverse ages, races, cultures, ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, and abilities. I work from an approach of meeting you with where you’re at and use humour to help you develop tools to cope. In addition to therapy, I further support individuals with their unique recovery journey and foster resourcefulness through facilitating courses.


Specialized Training:

I have received specialized training and incorporate different approaches to tailor therapy that is unique to your needs, such as:

  • Trauma-focused practices like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)
  • Attachment-Based Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Solution-Focused Therapy
  • I help couples bond with each other through Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) and Gottman Method (Certification in Level 1 and 2).


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Gabrielle Barkman

Gabrielle Barkman

Registered Provisional Psychologist

Teens (Ages 13+)

  • Trauma and generational trauma

  • Codependency and relationship issues
  • Attachment and development
  • Family of origin issues
  • Empowerment and self-compassion
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Depression and suicidal ideation
  • Addictions and concurrent disorders
  • Grief and loss


  • Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology from Capella University
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree, Major in Psychology from Athabasca University


My philosophy is that it’s a part of the human experience to struggle throughout our lives, meaning that we all need support and connection. I see therapy as providing this unconditional support that we may all need at times! I take a holistic approach to therapy that works towards healing our minds and our bodies. I ultimately strive to empower my clients to use and embrace their inner strengths and capacity for growth. I use an eclectic approach to therapy that allows treatment to be tailored to each client’s unique needs and goals. In therapy with me, you can expect a warm, nurturing, empathetic approach. I strive to be my genuine and authentic self and encourage clients to do the same.

Treatment Modalities

When working alongside clients, I come from a trauma-informed and person-centred approach. I believe in the client as the expert in their own lives. I often implement mindfulness tools and techniques from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). I am also influenced by Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT). I have a huge passion for Internal Family Systems (IFS) and inner child work as well. I strive to be a safe space and an ally for LGBTQ2S+ and BIPOC clients.

Fun facts

My absolute dream is to have a fairy-like garden in my backyard and a Beauty and the Beast-like library in my house.

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Deanna Barrie
Registered Psychologist

Infant/Toddler/Children (birth to age 10)

  • Attachment-based/bonding
  • Anxiety Management
  • Play Therapy (Theraplay)
  • Behaviour Challenges
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Parenting Support & Education

  • Social Skills & Peer Relationships
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Emotional Regulation
  • School Issues
  • Play Therapy (Theraplay)
  • Intervention for specific diagnoses (ADHD, anxiety, OCD, ODD & Developmental Disorders)
  • Parenting support & education

Treatment Specialities:

I have significant experience working with children, adolescents, adults, and families in a variety of capacities. I have a special interest in attachment issues, reproductive mental health, spirituality,  and holistic therapy. I have considerable experience working with survivors of family violence and trauma recovery.  I appreciate the uniqueness in each person and therefore, I tailor therapy to suit each individual, presenting issue, and goal. I draw on principles of:

  • Attachment-Based
  • Theraplay
  • Cognitive Behavioural (CBT)
  • Compassion Focused
  • Emotion Focused
  • Hakomi
  • Somatic Therapies
  • Mindfulness-Based Therapies
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • EMDR

Education Credentials:

  • Master of Counselling (Athabasca University)


I believe that all people have a natural affinity toward growth and healing. As a psychologist it is my role to provide a safe, non-judgemental and compassionate space to explore concerns as they arise. I honour the strengths and abilities that each person brings to therapy and use these as important and valuable resources to move toward wellness. Equality and understanding problems within the context in which they occur are also important tenants of my work. Through connection and collaboration, I work together with clients to find the right solutions for them.


Fun fact about Deanna:
I always end my week with a Friday night dance party in my kitchen.

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Randa El-Chami_Canadian Certified Counsellor

Randa El-Chami

Registered Provisional Psychologist

Teens (14-17)

  • Anxiety, Stress, & Worry

  • Depression & Mood (Incl. Self Harming)
  • Self Esteem & Self Image Challenges
  • Coping Skills & Emotion Management
  • Life Transitions & Changes (Including Navigating Divorce)
  • Behavior Struggles
  • Relationship Struggles (Peer & Family)
  • Supporting Parents and Teens with Health Social Media Use

Education Credentials:

  • Master of Counselling (Athabasca University)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (University of Alberta)


At all stages of life we may experience times where we feel overwhelmed, and this can impact us emotionally, mentally, relationally, and spiritually. However, individuals can show remarkable resilience and courage in the face of daunting challenges when provided with the necessary support and connection. Using a client centered approach, I strive to provide you with a safe, respectful, and non-judgemental environment from which you can begin to process vulnerable and challenging life experiences.

My goal is to help you gain insight, clarity, and empowerment geared toward growth and change.


I believe you are the expert in your own life and that a strong relationship with the self is often a necessary precursor for meaningful change. I approach therapy from a strengths-based and solution focused lens, meaning that I develop a treatment plan tailored to your individual strengths and values that emphasizes taking meaningful steps toward your goals. I also draw from several other approaches to meet the diverse needs of clients. My intention is to create an inviting safe space that is inclusive of your personal values and beliefs and to foster a collaborative therapeutic relationship filled with kindness, understanding, and compassion.

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Kelsey Wittebolle_Registered Psychologist
Kelsey Wittebolle
Registered Psychologist

Infant/Toddler/Children (birth to age 10)

  • Bonding and Attachment
  • Anxiety and OCD
  • Depression and Mood
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Behavioral challenges
  • Self-Esteem
  • ADHD & Executive Functioning


With Children 
I make a lot of slime. We create art. We play. Throughout all of that, we also talk about the hard stuff. I meet kiddos where they are at, which means that some kiddos naturally take longer before we are able to really dive into the hard stuff. I try very hard to maintain good communication with parents, and find we have the most success when parents are able to follow up with strategies at home and are open to chatting with me about changes they could make. I am a fellow parent so I do have firsthand knowledge of how difficult parenting is! 

Education Credentials 

  • Masters in Counselling Psychology (McGill University) 
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology (University of Manitoba) 
  • Circles of Security Parenting Facilitator Training 
  • PSI and 2020 Mom Maternal Mental Health Certificate Training 
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Course through Psychwire 
  • Theraplay Level One Training 
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy Course through Psychwire 
  • Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ExRP) through the Cognitive Behavior Institute 
  • Executive Functioning Summer Cohort through Seeds of Learning 

Fun Fact about Kelsey 

I am currently attempting to master sourdough bread. It is going ok. 

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registered child psychologist Edmonton
Jamie Hofmann
Registered Psychologist

Children birth to age 12

  • Anxiety, Stress, Worry

  • Depression and Mood
  • School Related Concerns Including School Avoidance & Test Anxiety
  • Grief and Loss
  • Sleep struggles
  • Emotional regulation and coping skills
  • Mindfulness
  • Social Skills Development
  • Parent, Family & Peer Relationships

  • Attachment + Bonding
  • Social skills development  
  • Anxiety Management  
  • Emotional Regulation  
  • Behavioural challenges  
  • Self-esteem building  
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder  
  • Play-based strategies  
  • Parenting support and education  
  • Psychoeducational assessments and consultation  
  • Anxiety 
  • OCD 
  • Depression  
  • Social skills  
  • Emotional Regulation  
  • ADHD 
  • Peer conflict  
  • Self-esteem building  
  • Trauma-informed interventions  
  • CBT 
  • Parenting support and education  
  • Play-based strategies  
  • Intervention for specific diagnoses (ADHD, anxiety, autism, OCD, ODD)  
  • Cognitive and social-emotional-behavioural assessments and consultation 

Ages 6-16: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fifth Edition (WISC-V)
Ages 2-7: Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV)

These assessments may be used to:

  • Diagnose Intellectual Disability in children
  • Better understand a child’s learning style and areas of challenge and to provide recommendations and strategies to support both within the home and school environments
  • Qualify and advocate for specific programs or classroom supports such as Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD)
  • Assess for giftedness to qualify for programs for gifted children
  • Social-emotional-behavioural. assessments:

Ages 3-16: Behavioural Assessment System for Children Third Edition (BASC-3)

This assessment may be used to:

  • Support qualification for Program Unit Funding (PUF) for Early Education programming
  • Diagnose childhood disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Anxiety, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • Better understand a child’s social-emotional-behavioural needs and to provide recommendations and strategies for both home and school environments

Education Credentials:

  • Master of Education – School and Clinical Child Psychology (University of Alberta)

  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (MacEwan University)


I see attachment and connection between caregiver and child as the foundation for not only supporting social-emotional-behavioural challenges, but critical for a child’s overall development and well-being. It lays the foundation to support emotional regulation, positive relationships, self-esteem, confidence and mental well-being. Supporting and empowering parents through the beautiful, challenging, confusing, ups and downs of their parenting journey is a true passion of mine. I view each child as unique, capable and deserving of being treated with kindness and respect.

I utilize, teach and promote a strength-based, positive parenting and respect-based approach with the children, parents and families that I work with. My goal is to help caregivers build confidence and skill in their parenting approach to raise empowered, autonomous, confident and emotionally healthy children.

I draw on principles of:

  • Attachment-based
  • Theraplay
  • Cognitive Behavioural (CBT)
  • Emotion Focused
  • Mindfulness-Based Therapies
  • Play Therapies
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
  • Exposure and Response Prevention

Fun Fact:

I love to sing. If you ever pass by me while I’m driving, you will likely see me belting out to my favourite Disney or Broadway songs.

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Professional counselling for kids at Pine Cone Health
Angela Young

Registered Psychologist

Children & Teens (age 3+)

  • Attachment-based/bonding
  • Social

    Skill Development Anxiety Management

  • Behaviour Issues
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Play-based strategies
  • Parent psycho-education / consultation
  • Social Skills, Anxiety / Depression
  • Behaviour
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Peer Conflict
  • Self-Esteem Building
  • Grief / Loss
  • Trauma
  • Interventions for Specific Diagnoses (ADHD, autism, OCD, ODD)
  • Play-based strategies
  • Parent psycho-education / consultation
  • CBT and Narrative Modalities
  • Trauma-Focused Interventions
  • Social Skills
  • Anxiety / Depression / OCD / Perfectionism
  • Trauma
  • Self-Harm
  • Self-Esteem Building
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Play-based strategies
  • Parent resources
  • CBT / narrative / EMDR / ERP / client-focused therapy
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Great therapy for kids at Pine Cone Health
Simone Moniz
psi-logoRegistered Psychologist

Preteens/Teens (Ages 9+)

  • Self Esteem
  • Anxiety, Stress, Worry, & Burnout
  • Depression & Mood
  • Grief & Loss
  • Relationship Struggles
  • Parent/Child Relationships & Attachment
  • Mindfulness
Education Credentials:
  • Masters in Counselling Psychology (Athabasca University);
  • Bachelor in Psychology-Applied Enhanced Stream (Concordia University of Alberta);
  • Circle of Security Parenting;
  • Talaris Parenting,
  • Triple P Parenting.

I love attachment, which is a strong emotional bond created within seconds of birth between infant and caregiver. This attachment is foundational for all human beings we need attachment to survive For children, this emotional bond helps create healthy friendships, self-worth, success in school/work and self-regulation. Later on, as adults, our attachment system shows us in our intimate relationships with our partners but also our children.

Treatment Specialities:

One of my passions is parents with parenting struggles, whatever the age of their child. My background has offered me parenting coaching experiences for ages 0 to 14. I love educating parents on healthy expectations of their children, so ultimately, they feel more competent and successful in positively disciplining their children. We sometimes parent the way we were parented, without the intention of doing it exactly the same way. But without a deeper understanding of what to do differently, you may feel lost. That is completely normal and you are certainly not alone.

A couple of my strengths is being genuinely empathetic to your situation while using humour to remember some fun strategies moving forward. Life can get serious, the work to change ourselves doesn’t always have to be.

Fun fact about Simone:

I am a wanderlust adventurer. I love travelling. I’ve been to 17 countries and privileged to say I have touched down on all 7 continents.

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Psychology for teens is available at Pine Cone Health
Rachel Walpert Fairbrother

Registered Psychologist

Teens (11-17)

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship Issues (Individually), Codependency,
  • Separation, Attachment Issues & Family Conflict
  • Self-Harm & Suicidal Ideation
  • Addictions, Harm Reduction
  • Trauma & PTSD
  • Grief & Loss
  • Life Transitions
  • Career Guidance

Education Credentials:

  • Masters in Counselling Psychology (University of Ottawa, 2015);
  • Bachelor in Psychology (Trent University, 2011);
  • Social Work- General Interest Courses (University of Northern British Columbia, 2013)
  • EMDR- Level 1 Basic Training, 2019
  • Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Training, 2017
  • Certified ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) Facilitator, 2015
  • Cultural Competency Training in Indigenous Mental Health
    • Mentorship from Elder Harriet Geddes, Fort Providence, NWT- 2015
    • Indigenous Canada- Department of Native Studies Online Course- University of Alberta, 2017


Philosophy: I practice from a client-centered, trauma-informed perspective, meaning I view the client as the expert of their own experiences. I encourage clients to share their experiences, explore different perspectives, and tap into their personal intuition in therapy. I ask questions to help explore thoughts, feelings and behaviours that may be causing distress in our lives. The treatment modalities I draw from are Narrative, Strength-Based, Psycho-Educational, Cognitive-Behavioural (CBT), Existential and Attachment Based therapies.

Treatment Specialities: I have been fortunate to have worked in a variety of counselling settings over the last six years, which have helped to shape me into the therapist I am today. I began my journey working with adolescents in residential settings, who struggled with mental health
challenges such as childhood trauma, anxiety, depression or addiction. Following this experience, I moved to an Indigenous Dene community in the Northwest Territories where I worked with adults, youth and families. Here, I gained valuable insight into counselling within a multicultural context.

Upon settling in Edmonton, I have had the privilege of working at a non-profit agency that supports adults struggling with complex mental and physical health challenges. This role has allowed me to practice from a trauma-informed and harm-reduction lens, allowing for greater compassion and individualized treatment.I am passionate about supporting individuals to overcome hardship in the areas of trauma, grief, addiction, anxiety and depression, relationship challenges, self-esteem, self-exploration, and life transitions. Working at Pine has allowed me to apply these skills to perinatal mental health; whether that may be support the transitioning into parenthood, overcoming a birth trauma, or experiencing loss.

Fun fact about Rachel: I am a huge animal lover! I have 2 dogs and take them gallivanting through the river valley or mill creek whenever I get the chance!
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Brittany Sales

Brittany Sales

Registered Psychologist

Teens (11-17)

  • Anxiety & Stress
  • Depression, Self-Harm, Suicidal Behaviour
  • LGBTQIA2S+ and Gender Identity Challenges
  • Eating Disorders
  • Interpersonal Relationship Challenges
  • Life Transitions and Changes
  • Self-Image, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem Challenges
  • Trauma
When it comes to youth, setting them up for success early is key. I believe that giving youth the opportunity to develop adaptive mental health skills, strategies, and tools is a priceless investment in a healthy future. I also believe in nurturing the inner strengths of both the youth and the family to cultivate
enduring health and well-being.

Treatment specialities:
I base my therapeutic practice on the values of trauma-informed care, which
include safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration, and empowerment. As each client is a highly unique
individual, my approach is tailored to fit the needs of each client. The treatment modalities/orientations
that I draw from are:

  • Person-Centered (humanistic)
  • Cognitive Behavioural
  • Narrative
  • Existential
  • Feminist and Social Justice Oriented
  • Strengths-Based
  • Self-Compassion and Self-Acceptance Based
  • Mindfulness Based
  • Trauma-Informed

I am passionate about advocacy, social justice, empowerment, and cultural responsivity. I am also deeply
committed to decolonizing and Indigenizing my therapeutic practice, and engage in ongoing self auditing
to ensure I am best using culture-infused counselling principles to create an inclusive and safe space for
Queer, Indigenous, Black Brown, and People of Color (QIBPOC), LGBTQ2S+ and polyamorous youth.

Fun fact about Brittany: I love learning about dreams (the phenomena that happen when we sleep). I am
steadily improving my ability to lucid dream and it is both thrilling and mysterious!

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Mallory Becker

Mallory Becker

Registered Psychologist psi-logo

Teens (11+)

  • Anxiety, Stress, Worry, & Burnout
  • Depression, Mood & Motivation
  • Trauma
  • Grief & Loss
  • Self Esteem
  • Relationship Struggles
  • Parenting Strategies
  • Career Guidance
  • Navigating Difficult Transitions including Parent Separation or Moving
Children’s Mental Health

Mental health has come a long way over the past 50 years. While our parents and grandparents were told to not discuss things that were troubling them, now we are being encouraged to talk through issues that may be troubling us. With bullying, peer pressure and suicide rates being where they are, mental health has been brought to the surface as a vital component of healthcare.

Early psychological intervention means the child will receive early therapeutic care, which will help them adaptively progress into adulthood. We need to have healthy discussions, promote positivity, and give our children the tools they need to walk through life confidently. At Pine Integrated Health we care for the mind, which allows the child to develop new tools for them to grow, and to set them up for success in the future.

We would love to help you find a Child Psychologist in Edmonton that is the best fit for you.

Please contact us with any questions or book your appointment online today.


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