childrens health edmonton Children's Nutrition One-on-one nutrition therapy with a registered pediatric dietitian to help your child be their healthiest self. Book An Appointment
childrens nutrition

Nutrition for Children and Teens

We all want our children to be healthy, happy and well-nourished! We want our children to learn how to listen to their bodies and eat a balance of foods that will provide them with everything they need… and we don’t want to pull our hair out doing so!

At Pine Cone Health, our dietitians strive to make feeding your children as stress-free as possible. Whether it is food allergies, picky eating, food jags or other feeding difficulties, our dietitians can help create a plan with you that will foster a positive relationship with food and pleasant mealtimes. No short-order cooking required!

We believe in “family centered care”, working closely with parents and caregivers so they can feel comfortable, confident and at ease about providing their child with the nutrition they need!

We nourish children from infancy through to adolescence.

Nutritional Services We Provide

child eating disorders

Food Allergies

Many of the top food allergens are pretty ubiquitous in our food supply. Having a child diagnosed with a food allergy can be an anxiety-driving experience. At Pine Cone, dietitians are here to support you understand the culprit foods & ingredients, as well as, source alternatives, resources and recipes that can support your child’s growth and development.

Toddler is a picky eater

Picky Eating

Picky eating is one of the top nutrition issues of parenting. The majority of parents deal with some degree of ‘pickiness’ as a child grows. The dietitians at Pine have numerous strategies for addressing picky eating, whether it is related to sensory issues, strong food preferences and/or developmental stage. The goal is to return family mealtimes to a battle-free zone, where conflict is low and connection is high.

sugar addiction

Starting Solids

Baby-led weaning? Texture progression? Feeding small children can be just as overwhelming as delivering them! The goal of our dietitians is to turn down the noise of all of the varying strategies, advice and ‘ways’ to feed your child, and focus on what works best for you and your baby, while aiming to meet your infant’s delicate nutrition requirements.

getting kids to eat

Healthy Body Weight

Have concerns about how your child is growing? The last thing we want to do as parents is make our children feel less-than when it comes to their own body and body size. Consider speaking with a dietitian at Pine to find way to address weight and weight-related issues, implement strategies that support healthy family meals, nutrition education and supportive and pressure-free eating environments in the home.



Nutritional Experts here to help your child with food choices

Danielle Neumann_Dietition_200px
Danielle Neumann

Menu Planning Magic

Any household with children will tell you that the supper hour is usually mayhem. If you know what you are cooking, you probably forgot to defrost it. If you don’t know what you are cooking, chances are it’s 4:37 pm and everyone, including the dog, is hangry. Regular menu-planning can reduce household spending at the grocery store, food waste (those darn sacrificial fridge vegetables!!) and take the pressure off the dinner hour. Pine dietitians come armed with tried, tested and true meal planning strategies, recipes and pre-written menu plans to support you and your families.


Some other Struggles We Can Help Your Child or Teen With:

Intuitive Eating

Disordered Eating


Nutritional Concerns

Healthy Eating Plans

Diabetic Nutrition

Encouraging Health Food Choices

Allergies / Food Intolerance

Failure to Thrive

Mealtime Struggles

Healthy Food Choices

Feeding Concerns

Emotional Eating

Constant Snacking

Sugar Addiction

Resistance to Try New Foods

Breastfeeding / formula feeding concerns

Menu Planning

What Does a Children’s Dietitian Do?

A registered pediatric dietitian assists children in following a healthy diet and improving their eating pattern to manage their medical condition or nutritional needs. Feeding children can be a challenge on the best of days. Add in a major pandemic, kids at home 24/7, new routines and extra stress, and it can cause a lot of anxiety and frustration. Mealtime power struggles, picky eating, all-day snacking and short-order cooking are all be a reality for most parents right now

Pediatric Dietitians can give you and your child general healthy eating advice or help you manage dietary conditions. They can also help you with setting boundaries and coping strategies as we navigate our way through a most challenging year.


Meet the Edmonton Pediatric Nutrition Team

Megan Wallace

Megan Wallace

Registered Dietitian – Edmonton

  • Pre & Postnatal Nutrition

  • Starting Solids & Infant Feeding
  • Toddler Nutrition & Picky Eating
  • Advanced Feeding Support for Extreme Picky Eaters
  • Intuitive Eating
  • Food Aversions/Intolerances & Allergies
  • Gut Health
  • Women’s Health & Hormones
    • Perimenopause & Menopause
  • PCOS & Endometriosis Management
  • Food Relationship
  • Feeding a Family
  • Menu Planning Strategies

I am extremely passionate about working with children and families. As a Mum to three, young kiddos myself (4.5, 2.5 and 1) I can assure you, I am in the arena fighting the same battles as you.

While navigating food with children can be tiresome and challenging, I long for the opportunity to teach parents and caregivers strategies to address picky eaters, decrease mealtime drama and not have to eat ‘kid-food’ every night. Among my passion for giving parents’ permission to relax at mealtimes, I also seek to support the health of children in a variety of other areas.

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Danielle Neumann_Dietition

Danielle Neumann

Registered Dietitian – Sherwood Park


I support clients of all ages, genders and nutrition challenges, but specialize in the following areas:

  • General healthy eating & lifestyle management

  • Diabetes
  • Heart Health
  • Nutrition for Mental Health
  • Body positivity & Food Relationship
  • Disordered eating
  • Gut Health
  • Family / pediatric nutrition
  • Vegetarian nutrition
  • Sports Nutrition

As a veteran Registered Dietitian with 12+ years’ experience, I bring a deep and diverse wealth of nutrition expertise & knowledge. I have worked with a broad range of clients of all ages and genders, from babies to seniors.

I believe in building a collaborative clinician-client relationship. This is essential for creating a safe space, conducive to discussing deeply personal health, nutrition, food and body concerns. I pride myself in being an expert in listening to clients and helping clients self-reflect / incorporate mindfulness as a way of individualizing nutrition plans. Using a wholistic wellness lens, help clients map out “the big picture” as a way of improving the food / body / wellness relationship. Each session emphasizes the creation of stepwise, do-able goals, which leave clients feeling empowered and confident in their ability to create sustainable, meaningful changes for the long-term.

As a born-and-raised Edmontonian, I am a proud Franco-Albertan who is fully fluent in both English and French. My personal interests include spending time with family & friends; officiating elite & National level ringette; playing soccer; gardening; enjoying live music / sporting / theatre productions; travelling.

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We would love to help you find a Pediatric Dietitian that is the best fit for you.

Please contact us with any questions or book your appointment online with us today.


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